Thursday, October 3, 2013

The above picture isn't from our hayfields, but I snagged it from the web just to show round bales, which we do have.  

Life has been hectic. We moved from town the other day, into my moms house on a small farm.  It's a mixed blessing. We will have a roof over our heads, rent free. We'll be splitting expenses with Mom. So it should work out well that way.  But I will miss the convenience of living in town, and the independence.  I adore my mother, but it is tough to live with ones parents, particularly now that I am middle aged and set in my ways.  Nevertheless, I count this as a blessing.

For some reason my boss only scheduled me to work nine days in the month of October, so I am going to have to try to pick up extra shifts and generate income in alternative ways. I think I will be listing stuff on Craigslist and on several Facebook groups I am a member of.  With hubs being off work, we are really struggling, so anything I can do to contribute monetarily will help.

For supper, I have a roast in the crock pot, surrounded by potatoes, onion, carrots, celery and red bell pepper. Hopefully it will turn out good.  Sure smells good!

Later this afternoon, I am going outside to dig up a garden bed along a wall, and plant kale. Its a great fall crop and just loaded with nutrition.  A friend of mine recently started dieting using green smoothies in the morning as a nutrition packed punch to start her day, and has had amazing results. So I already have plans for this kale crop. And I am going to cut and come again on it until probably January, when I'll do a final harvest and dry any remaining kale in the dehydrator for use as a powder supplement.

I don't have much in the way of material wants. But I do have to say, I want a Ninja juicer!  I am praying we can find one for a marginal amount, so that I can make fresh juices and different milks, like almond, soy and rice milk.  From what I understand, you can also make great crushed ice with the Ninja and I am crazy about water with a nice finely crushed ice in it.

So, I have avoided the elephant in the room, guess I should say something. The government is shut down. And me without my super  I shouldn't joke, but there is a small part of me that wishes the government would collapse and we would have to start all over, in a revolutionary way, get back to our Constitutional roots. But that ain't gonna happen, no sir, that would be all too easy. meh.  It will be interesting to watch the developments. O-pinhead needs to be rousted out of office, I do know that.

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